The Chruzzania Malliter Series Wiki

The Hiding of Chruzzania

Plot synopsis[]

After a few weeks of becoming the Prusidant of Cartun Netwerk, Tad Turnah hunts down Chruzzania for airing Ten Tiants Gero. For SO MANY TIMES.. Or what it appears. Tad Turnah goes back to his house to find Chruzzania Malliter, but with no luck leaves.


This section allows you to link to character pages. Oh, and remember to remove this text. ;)

  • Chruzzania Malliter
  • Tad Turnah
  • Lt. Joe Sunda

Notes & trivia[]

  • Lt. Joe Sunda AKA, the Sun from the episode was modeled after a real life person named. Joe Kenda.
  • The mysterious man appears again in the thumbnail for the episode title card, he is still unidentified.
  • Tad Turnah's motives are only seen and explained by Chruzzania Malliter's perspective, never Tad Turnah's perspective. So it's unknown on what Tad really wants.
  • If you look at the lamp long enough, you will see. "lamp." Written on it as a joke.
  • A YouTuber named PilotRedSun can actually be seen as a cameo, if you look long enough in one scene of the episode.
  • Along with PilotRedSun, is also a young picture of Tad Turnah. Where he appears more muscular and more young with black hair, rather than grey/white hair.